You Have Nothing to Lose

I'm taking a moment of indulgence to share with you a letter I've written to myself as a self-described "Filmmaker of a Certain Vintage".

There's a certain bluntness, confidence, and a sense of urgency, to this letter that I felt I needed.

I hope it will be helpful or, perhaps, provocative. If you feel I'm writing this to you, reply and let me know. Even if you aren't pushing past 40, but still feel a little stuck.

“You Have Nothing to Lose”

When you hit a certain age—let’s call it 50—you begin to realize something: you have nothing to lose. The fear of failure begins to fade, and what’s left is a simple truth: not taking risks is the biggest risk of all.

Most people never get out of the starting blocks. They let fear, inertia, or some bullshit narrative about “security” keep them stuck. But here’s the thing—security is a myth. There’s no safe bet, no steady path that ensures success. The only thing guaranteed is time slipping away.

And when you’re at this stage, the reality is harsh—you’re not going to make 50 films, or even 25. You can’t afford to take baby steps. My career trajectory doesn’t have the luxury of slow progress, and starting fresh in the Union? Not happening. The industry is moving slowly, and breaking through has become even tougher.

That’s exactly why now is the best time to make your mark independently. The film industry is in flux. Studios are stumbling, gatekeepers are losing power, and the barriers to entry are crumbling. When the system breaks, the bold get ahead.


Because at this stage, you’re playing with house money. You’ve already experienced enough to know how to navigate tough situations. You’ve learned how to build, fail, and build again. You’ve got the skills, the network, and—more importantly—the mindset to go for broke.

And what’s the worst that could happen? You “fail”? Failing is just data. It’s intel for the next round.

Most people will never understand that. They’ll play it safe, sit on their asses, and dream about “what could’ve been.”

But you? You’ve got something they don’t: the will to act. The audacity to believe that, hell yes, you can make your dream project—your passion project—a reality.

This isn’t about waiting for the stars to align. It’s about taking that leap when you have the most to gain and the least to lose.

So, here’s the play:

• Risk big. There’s no glory in playing small.

• Focus on the upside, because the downside is just your ego talking.

• You’re not competing with others—you’re competing with your past self.

Go make The Quiet Canadians (for you, the Reader, go make whatever your big idea is).

Not because you have to. Because you’re the only one who can.



Unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish, BC) and Tsleil-Waututh (Vancouver, BC) territories.

"13 Miles" is available to watch! Click here to watch!

"The Quiet Canadians", a new movie about skilled Canadian operatives who are trained in the elimination of local and foreign targets, is in development. Click here for more information

"Xing'er: Origins", a new feature film about a family's fight for survival against a deadly sect of assassins, is in development. Click here to join the mailing list for updates.

Unfrayed, A Western Short Film -A bloodied Mei stumbles into Betty's campfire and discovers not only sanctuary but also, an ally. Click here to find out more.

Pickled Rabbit Short Film - Sharon makes a desperate attempt to earn her dying mom's love. There's a cult, a foreign god... and maybe a monster transformation. Click here to find out more.

Behind the scenes

As we prep for our next projects, we are sharing some of the highs (and lows) of trying to bring everything together.

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