From Spy Thrillers to Set Wrangling: The Latest from Habethy Films (September 2024 edition)

September 2024 Newsletter

Hello Reader,

You’ve been with us for every late night, early morning, and caffeine injection, and this month, we’re thrilled to bring you the latest on what Habethy Films has been cooking up. We’ve got spies, post-production madness, a short supernatural horror film ready to hit festivals, and a whole lot of movie updates to share.

From The Quiet Canadians and our quest for the perfect brand partnerships to Pickled Rabbit beginning the festival run, plus 13 Miles crushing it on YouTube, we’re covering it all.

We also want to hear from you: What would you love to see more of? Behind-the-scenes insights, early sneak peeks, or maybe more about the filmmaking process? Hit reply and let us know.

Reach out to chat about anything you read here, or just say hello. Let us know what's got you excited about October.

Helena & Anthony

Pssst! If you like what you read here — pass it on to a friend by hitting "Forward" in your inbox.

The Quiet Canadians / What Does It Mean to Be “Independent”?

The term “independent film” gets thrown around a lot, but it isn’t always easy to pin down. Is it about budget size? Creative freedom? The truth is, it’s a mix of all of that and more.

Traditionally, films are funded by big studios that control the purse strings, and in turn, the creative direction. The stories get filtered, the risks get minimized, and the final product is often shaped to fit neatly into a marketable formula. That’s where independent filmmaking comes in. Our model is different: we fund our projects through private investment, sponsorships, donations, and collaborative partnerships. We believe this approach leads to better, more interesting movies because the people funding them are doing it out of genuine excitement for the story, not just a bottom line.

Here’s what “independent” means to us:

Creative Control: We keep our stories honest. That means no committees rewriting the script for “market optimization.”

Resourcefulness and Innovation: We work with what we have. Friends, borrowed gear, real locations... our creative process is more duct tape and ingenuity than red carpets and catered lunches.

Direct Audience Connection: We like to think of you as co-conspirators, not distant spectators. Festivals, online releases, behind the scenes and even opportunities to share our movies in person, or talk about them through places like this newsletter or our YouTube Channel (you should Subscribe if you haven't already!!). You get the story and the people behind the story, with no faceless distributors involved.

Entrepreneurial Spirit: Private investors, partnerships, patrons of cinema, a dash of insanity. Independence means finding a way to make it happen and make it sustainable, profitable and worthwhile for ourselves and our stakeholders.

This approach also means we’re constantly looking for partners to help us bring our vision to life. That's not just financial support, but meaningful collaborations with people who see the value in telling authentic, engaging stories. We think that’s what the indie film community is all about: creating art that has a real connection with real people.

Branded Partnerships / Join the Mission of "The Quiet Canadians"

We’re not just making a spy thriller; we’re building a world.

Your favourite blockbuster action films don’t come together without some key ingredients: great partnerships. We’re looking for the right brands to make The Quiet Canadians more immersive and memorable. By partnering with us, your brand becomes part of the story, something our audience experiences in a genuine, non-intrusive way.

We’re seeking both monetary sponsorships and in-kind contributions. Whether you’re a business interested in supporting independent film financially or you have products that would shine on screen, we’d love to collaborate. Here’s what we’re looking for:

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Drink Sponsors: Got a brand that pairs well with high-stakes espionage? Whether it’s a stiff drink after a narrow escape or a local craft soda, we’d love to make it part of our story.
  • Vehicles and Watches: High-performance cars, classic vehicles, or the perfect timepiece. These are tools of the trade for any self-respecting secret agent.
  • Clothing and Accessories: We need everything from luxury suits to tactical wear. Sleek, practical, and just a little bit dangerous? Get in touch.
  • Tech Gear: Any high-tech gadgets looking for some screen time? Our spies could always use another toy.
  • Outdoor Gear: Whether our characters are scaling cliffs, navigating forests, or setting up camp in harsh environments, we’re looking for outdoor brands that can provide the right gear for the job.
  • Food & Hospitality: From boutique hotels to local diners, we want to showcase the best backdrops our characters can plot and strategize in.
  • Artwork & Set Dressing: Paintings, sculptures, photography, etc. Our safe-houses and backroom meetings need more than bare walls.
  • Locations: We need striking locations to bring The Quiet Canadians to life. Examples include:
    • A secluded cabin for an isolated encounter.
    • A large office setup for high-stakes espionage.
    • A warehouse or empty building, perfect for secretive meetings or chase scenes.
    • Safe houses, such as empty homes or secluded properties.
    • Interesting businesses: A clothing store, a mall, or any location that would make a scene unique and memorable.

If you have a connection to a brand that might be interested, or you own a business that you think could be a fit, we’d love to hear from you. You’d be surprised how much your support can make an impact, and we’d love to make some movie magic together.

Project Updates / Shorts!


Production for Unfrayed - our Western Short Film, directed by Michelle Muldoon, completed this past weekend (September 28th). Cue the exhausted high-fives and the obligatory “we’ll fix it in post” jokes.

Now it’s on to the real battle: Post-Production. The footage looks amazing, and we’ll happily share more as the pieces start to come together.

"Pickled Rabbit"

We’re thrilled to share that Pickled Rabbit is officially out of the editing suite and on its way to festivals!

"13 Miles" /

13 Miles has taken off! We’ve hit over 75,000 views on YouTube and it’s building momentum. If you haven’t watched it yet, now’s the time to see what all the buzz is about. Plus, we’re using it as a case study in our Scratch to Screen course—breaking down exactly how we took this story from an idea on paper to a film that’s connecting with tens of thousands of viewers.

video preview

Watch it here: 13 Miles on YouTube.

What Else We're Up To /

Scratch to Screen: Learn How to Make Your Film a Reality

We’re expanding our mission to help other filmmakers get their stories out there. Our Scratch to Screen course is in full swing, aimed at guiding storytellers from idea to production. Using 13 Miles as a case study, we’re walking through every step—from writing and financing to production and distribution.

If you’re interested in making a film but don’t know where to start, this is where we come in. Check out more details about the course here.

Short Film Production Services: Let’s Make Your Short Film Happen

We want to help bring more short films to life. Over the next few months, we’re offering a production package for those who are ready to take the leap. We’ll provide the resources, experience, and crew to help produce your short film. If you have a story you’re burning to tell, we want to help you make it happen.


Thank you for reading this month's edition. We hope you enjoyed the updates on our work and found something useful that will continue to inspire your own work and life.

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Until next month!
Helena Thom & Anthony Epp